* Sul avaneb võimalus ennast veelgi paremini mõista ning kasvada veelgi paremaks versiooniks iseendast. 64. Geenivõtit võib vaadelda arhetüüpidena ning need on olnud Sinuga alates Su sünnihetkest. Mis tähendab seda, et kindlasti pakub Su isiklik teekond Sulle palju äratundmist ning saadud infost on Sul kasu terveks eluks. * Sa saad aimu, mis muudab Sind eriliseks ning kuidas seda enda heaks tööle panna. * Mõistad, miks Sa näed ja kogeda maailma Sulle omasel viisil ning miks võib teistel olla keeruline Sinust aru saada. * Saad aru, miks ja kuidas Sa suhestud teiste inimeste ja maailmaga. * Mõistad miks ja kuidas Sa ennast mingites suhetes mingil kindlal viisil või moel tunned ning kas, kuidas ja millised suhted tegelikult toetavad Sinu teekonda. * Teadvustad, kuidas Sa tegelikult suhestud teiste inimestega,
Realize how you interact with others, the way in which your perception works and why and how some people in your life see things totally different than you
You learn if and how you are open to be influenced by your interaction with others and get clarity on the effect you have on those around you
Know where and how to look for the answers you need in your life
Helps you choose what you want to be/do/have in your life and what you don’t
You get to be able to ask yourself specific questions to make sure you take the best decisions for yourself in whatever you do (whether it’s your personal or professional life)
Depending on what aspect in your life you’re looking to improve, you will certainly have “aha-moments” when you understand the mechanics of your patterns and how you can use them in a constructive way, without creating additional unpleasant experiences for yourself or others
Gain increased clarity of how the Gene Keys apply in your life
Get a general overview of what and how your Hologenetic profile can help you in a tangible way to overcome your challenges
Get clarity in how different elements of your profile come together and impact your life in both destructive and constructive ways
See clearly how specific lines, spheres and/or Gene Keys from your Profile impact your life in a practical way
What you CAN'T get only from a Gene Keys Hologenetic Profile reading?…and it requires something else…
A fully detailed description of a certain Gene Key. Reading about your Gene Keys in your Profile is an experience that cannot be replaced by anything. Simply reading that Gene Key once can be extremely relevant.
Create a significant change in your life without taking action. Sometimes just understanding a pattern can be enough to help you shift your whole perspective and behavior. Other times just understanding something won’t give you also a solution. And in both situations, not taking a different action in applying what you’ve learned won’t get you anywhere.
You won’t get answers like what specific career type you should be, what kind of relationships you should have and what is best for you in your life. It will give you a lot of help, but, in the end, that is for you to decide. Why? Because you have free will and the freedom to do it. The Gene Keys help you know how to use your inborn Genius in the circumstances and relationships of your own choice.
Esmasel kohtumisel varustan Sind ligikaudu 10-leheküljelise materjaliga, mis kirjeldab Sinu profiili ning seal esindatud 11. arhetüüpi. Juhul, kui esmase kohtumise järel tunned suuremat äratundmist ning tahad jätkata sügavamat teekonda varjudest Siddhisse, on see võimalus täiesti olemas kuuekuulise programmi näol.
Esimene kohtumine kestab ligikaudu 1.5-2 tundi ning Sinupoolseks panuseks on 175 eurot (sisaldab sh. kirjalikke materjale).